• Бижамал (Bizhamal) Раимовна (Raimovna) Таусарова (Tausarova) Almatinskii tekhnologicheskii universitet, Tole bi st., 100, Almaty, 050012 Email: birtausarova@mail.ru
  • Сауле (Saule) Маратовна (Maratovna) Рахимова (Rahimova) Almatinskii tekhnologicheskii universitet, Tole bi st., 100, Almaty, 050012 Email: s.rahimova@atu.kz
Keywords: cellulosic textile materials, copper nanoparticles, antimicrobial properties, ascorbic acid, modification


The paper presents data on the development of cellulosic textile materials with increased antimicrobial properties using copper nanoparticles. Synthesis of copper nanoparticles was carried out by simple chemical reduction of an aqueous solution of copper using ascorbic acid as a reducing agent. The influence of the concentration of copper, a reducing agent, and a stabilizer on the synthesis of copper nanoparticles was studied.

A composition based on polyvinyl alcohol and copper nanoparticles was developed to impart enhanced antimicrobial properties to cellulosic textile materials. The results of the studies showed that a significant growth of bacteria was observed in the control sample (untreated fabric), the amount of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus) decreased with increasing concentrations of copper nanoparticles, antibacterial properties increased. Modified by the proposed method cellulosic textile materials showed high resistance to the action of microorganisms and can be used for the production of sanitary and hygienic textile products.


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Author Biographies

Бижамал (Bizhamal) Раимовна (Raimovna) Таусарова (Tausarova), Almatinskii tekhnologicheskii universitet, Tole bi st., 100, Almaty, 050012
Professor of the Department "Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology", Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Сауле (Saule) Маратовна (Maratovna) Рахимова (Rahimova), Almatinskii tekhnologicheskii universitet, Tole bi st., 100, Almaty, 050012
Head of the Department of Organization of Scientific Work, Teacher of the Chair "Technology of Textile Production"


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How to Cite
1. Таусарова (Tausarova)Б. (Bizhamal) Р. (Raimovna), Рахимова (Rahimova)С. (Saule) М. (Maratovna) CELLULOSIC TEXTILE MATERIALS WITH ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES MODIFIED WITH COPPER NA-NOPARTICLES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 1. P. 163-169. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/2190.