• Александр (Aleksandr) Григорьевич (Grigor'evich) Топаж (Topazh) OOO «Biuro Giperboreia», Podvoiskogo st., 40-2, office 87, St. Petersburg, 193312 Email:
  • Владимир (Vladimir) Александрович (Aleksandrovich) Вигонт (Vigont) Agrophysical Research Institute, Grazhdanskii ave., 14, St. Petersburg, 195220 Email:
  • Любовь (Ljubov') Анатольевна (Anatol'evna) Хворова (Hvorova) Altai State University, Lenina av., 61, Barnaul, 656049 Email:
Keywords: plant raw material, biogas, differential equations, simulation modeling, optimization parameters


Article is devoted to the description and the analysis of the system-dynamic model of technological process of biogas production from multicomponent vegetable raw materials. A research objective – optimization of biogas production process from vegetable raw materials by methods of imitating modeling, finding of the optimal regimes of the simulated production cycle – the best ratio from the economic point of view between an exit of biomethane and rates of giving/replacement of the initial substratum depending on the composition of raw materials.

In article models with a discrete and continuous cycle of production are considered, the description of the similar realization executed in the environment of multiapproach modeling of AnyLogic for model of technological process of anaerobic digestion of non-uniform multicomponent vegetable biomass is provided.

The known stoichiometric model of production of biomethane is taken as a basis, her modification is made for a case of multicomponent raw materials (percentage division into conditional components – sugar, lignin and cellulose). Possibilities of modern software shells and environments of modeling in tasks of the complex analysis and optimization of the studied process are shown.

During the conducted researches a row of non-trivial results on a choice of optimum parameters of an operation mode of the model bioreactor is received. For a case of the discrete process of up-dating of contents as parameters of optimization the frequency and a level of up-dating, and for the continuous flowing system – channel speed were selected.

It is shown that the optimal values of the parameters from the point of view of the integrated output of the biomethane lie close to the cloud of critical acidification, which leads to the stoppage of the process. If the economic indicators are chosen as an optimization criterion, then we obtain optimal values of the parameters lying within the region of stable functioning of the model bioreactor.


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Author Biographies

Александр (Aleksandr) Григорьевич (Grigor'evich) Топаж (Topazh), OOO «Biuro Giperboreia», Podvoiskogo st., 40-2, office 87, St. Petersburg, 193312
Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Владимир (Vladimir) Александрович (Aleksandrovich) Вигонт (Vigont), Agrophysical Research Institute, Grazhdanskii ave., 14, St. Petersburg, 195220
research fellow, candidate of biological sciences
Любовь (Ljubov') Анатольевна (Anatol'evna) Хворова (Hvorova), Altai State University, Lenina av., 61, Barnaul, 656049
Head of the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
1. Топаж (Topazh)А. (Aleksandr) Г. (Grigor’evich), Вигонт (Vigont)В. (Vladimir) А. (Aleksandrovich), Хворова (Hvorova)Л. (Ljubov’) А. (Anatol’evna) SIMULATION MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM MULTICOMPONENT PLANT RAW MATERIALS. ANALYSIS AND PARAMETRIC OPTIMIZATION // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 1. P. 171-184. URL: