• Анатолий (Аnatolij) Андреевич (Аndreevich) Глуханов (Glukhanov) Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov Email:
  • Сергей (Sergej) Иванович (Ivanovich) Третьяков (Tretyakov) Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov Email:
Keywords: tall oil, decomposition of sulphate soap, destruction of emulsions, heat treatment, component composition, quality indicators, technical conditions


The main problem of industrial methods of production of tall oil is significant losses of the finished product with the waste of production – the lignin phase. It is a stable emulsion of the oil-in-water type, stabilized by lignin. Traditional ways to reduce the loss of tall oil by destroying the lignin phase are associated with a number of difficulties and in industrial practice are almost not currently used. In the present work, in order to increase the yield of tall oil when it is separated from the sulphate soap, a method for breaking the emulsion by heat treatment is proposed. The effect of the heat treatment temperature on the yield of tall oil from the lignin phase was studied. Optimum in relation to the yield of tall oil from the lignin phase is the temperature-time mode of heat treatment. It is shown that, under the optimal regime, the loss of tall oil with waste is reduced by 80%. Based on the results of the studies, a variant of the mechanism of changes occurring with components of the lignin phase during heat treatment is proposed. The composition of the components of the product after heat treatment at different temperatures has been studied. The values of the quality indicators of the obtained tall oil were established and their compliance with the requirements of the standard-setting documents in force in the territory of Russia was assessed. It was noted that all the parameters of the oil obtained during heat treatment correspond to the values established in the normative documents at the processing temperature from 100 to 140 °С. Based on the results of work, the heat treatment mode optimized for yield and quality of tall oil is proposed.


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Author Biographies

Анатолий (Аnatolij) Андреевич (Аndreevich) Глуханов (Glukhanov), Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov
кандидат технических наук, доценткафедры стандартиации, метрологии и сертификации
Сергей (Sergej) Иванович (Ivanovich) Третьяков (Tretyakov), Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov
кандидат технических наук, профессоркафедры стандартиации, метрологии и сертификации


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How to Cite
1. Глуханов (Glukhanov)А. (Аnatolij) А. (Аndreevich), Третьяков (Tretyakov)С. (Sergej) И. (Ivanovich) INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF OBTAINING THE TALL OIL BY LIGNIGN PHASE THERMAL EFFICIEN-CY AND EVALUATING THE CONFORMITY OF ITS QUALITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD-SETTING DOCUMENTS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 2. P. 199-205. URL: