• Луиза (Luiza) Размиковна (Razmikovna) Варданян (Vardanyan) Goris State University Email:
  • Лилит (Lilit) Валериковна (Valerikovna) Атабекян (Atabekyan) Goris State University Email:
  • Сюзанна (Syuzanna) Арсеновна (Аrsenovna) Айрапетян (Hayrapetyan) Goris State University Email:
  • Размик (Razmik) Левонович (Levonovich) Варданян (Vardanyan) Goris State University Email:
Keywords: Yarrow, extract, antioxidants, synergism, antagonism of inhibition


For the treatment of various diseases in the traditional medicine for a long time different types of yarrow are used. Medicines from yarrow have medicinal properties and render styptic, spazmolitic, wound healing, bile-expelling action. They also show antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal activity. Medicinal properties of these medicines are caused by existence in them of phenolic compounds (flavonoids, tannins, vitamin C). The purpose of this work is a research of antioxidant properties of ethylacetate extracts preparing from different types of yarrows growing in a South-East part of the Republic of Armenia. Experimental data of antioxidant activities (AOA) and effective content of antioxidants (AO) in the ethylacetate extracts of three tipes of yarrows are given in this study on the example of model reaction of cumene oxidation. It is shown that the studied yarrows are distributed in a row by the effective content of antioxidants: Achilleaaurea>Achillea nobilis>Achillea millefolium, and by the antioxidant activitiy: Achillea millefolium>Achillea nobilis>Achillea aurea.

On the examples of extracts mixtures from the leaves and flowers of Achillea millefolium and also from the leaves and flowers of Achillea nobilis the synergism effect of cumene’s oxidation inhibition is found, respectively, 30 and 21%.


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Author Biographies

Луиза (Luiza) Размиковна (Razmikovna) Варданян (Vardanyan), Goris State University
кандидат химических наук, доцент
Лилит (Lilit) Валериковна (Valerikovna) Атабекян (Atabekyan), Goris State University
кандидат химических наук
Сюзанна (Syuzanna) Арсеновна (Аrsenovna) Айрапетян (Hayrapetyan), Goris State University
кандидат химических наук, ассистент
Размик (Razmik) Левонович (Levonovich) Варданян (Vardanyan), Goris State University
доктор химических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
1. Варданян (Vardanyan)Л. (Luiza) Р. (Razmikovna), Атабекян (Atabekyan)Л. (Lilit) В. (Valerikovna), Айрапетян (Hayrapetyan)С. (Syuzanna) А. (Аrsenovna), Варданян (Vardanyan)Р. (Razmik) Л. (Levonovich) ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF THE ETHYL ACETATE EXTRACT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF THE THOUSAND (ACHILLEA L.) // chemistry of plant raw material, 2018. № 3. P. 61-68. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds