A method of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma determine the content of essential, conditionally essential and toxic elements in 7 plants of the genus Saussurea (saussurea): S. small-flowered (S. parviflora (Poir.) DC.), S. latifolia (S. latifolia Ledeb.), S. amara (S. amara (L.) DC.), S. frolovii (S. frolowii Ledeb.), S. daurica (S. daurica Adams.), S. salicifolia (S. salicifolia (L.) DC.) and S. controversa (S. contrоversa DC.). For the first time the representatives of the genus saussurea, accumulating a significant amount of calcium - S. salicifolia, S. controversa, S. frolowii (42357, 41376 and 23818 mg/kg, respectively) correlates with the content of water-soluble polysaccharides. The predominant amount of magnesium is determined in S. daurica, S. controversa and S. amara (7183, 2826 and 1927 mg/kg), phosphorus – in S. frolowii, S. controversa and S. parviflora (1740, 1378 and 1117 mg/kg), vanadium – in S. salicifolia and S. controversa (1.2 and 1.1 mg/kg). Selenium in the amount of 0.8 mg / kg was found in S. daurica. The quantitative content of the main fractions of polysaccharide complexes, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids of these species was established. The highest content of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids is found in the aboveground organs S. controversa, S. latifolia, and S. daurica, S. controversa species, which contains the maximum number of fractions of water-soluble polysaccharides, phenolic compounds and bioelements, is a promising object for further pharmaceutical research.
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