• Natal'ya Anatol'yevna Borovikova Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov Email: semushkinan@mail.ru
Keywords: Buckthorn Bark, methodological approaches, quantitative determination, spectrophotometry, extraction specimens


The article provides an overview of drugs based on buckthorn bark included in the State register of medicines of the Russian Federation and patented in recent years. The methods of quantitative determination of anthracenes-derived raw materials of buckthorn according to the state Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XI and XIII editions and the European Pharmacopoeia are analyzed and presented in the comparative aspect. The main representatives of the anthracene-derived buckthorn are shown for a number of sources, taking into account modern phytochemical studies.

The algorithm of development of a technique of spectrophotometric quantitative determination of anthracenes derivatives in buckthorn bark and extraction preparations from it is gradually presented.

Studied and selected the optimal conditions of extraction: raw material grinding – 1 mm, extractant – 10% sodium hydroxide solution, the ratio of raw materials and extractant – 0.1 : 100, the extraction temperature in a water bath 100 °C, the duration of extraction – 30 minutes.

The analytical maximum of 510 nm was established, a certified sample of frangul-emodin was used as a standard substance, and an experimental calculation of the specific absorption rate of frangul-emodin interaction products with an alkaline-ammonia mixture was presented. In the research we describe an optimized pharmacopoeial methodology, metrological characterizations and results of quantitative determination of the anthracene derivatives in aqueous and alcohol extracts based on the buckthorn bark.

The content of the amount of anthracenes in the samples of raw materials of five domestic producers. The content varies from 4.35 to 4.85%.


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Author Biography

Natal'ya Anatol'yevna Borovikova, Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

ассистент кафедры фармацевтической технологии


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Химическое строение веществ коры крушины ломкой
How to Cite
1. Borovikova N. A. EXTRACTION SPECIMENS BASED ON THE BUCKTHORN BARK AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO IDENTIFY ANTHRACENE DERIVATIVES INCLUDED // chemistry of plant raw material, 2018. № 2. P. 73-81. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/3722.
Low-molecular weight compounds