It is known that various types of willow contain a rich polyphenolic complex of biologically active substances (BAS) (phenolic glycosides, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic acids). The same substances are found in the Salix triandra. In view of the fact that oral administration of dried medicinal plant material is now expedient, it is also of interest to study other BASs contained in the plant, in particular, the pigments. Using as an example a willow bine, it is shown that when determining the chlorophyll content in dried plant raw materials, it is necessary to take into account the fact of the pheophytin formation. Using the TLC method, pigments of the willow are found in leaves (bines): β-carotene, chlorophyll a and b, pheophytin and xanthophyll. When using the spectrophotometric method, it is found that the content of chlorophylls in a the willow bines varies from 0.032 to 0.18% and depends on the place of growth and seasonal factors (amount of sunlight, temperature and ecology of the environment). These values are almost 2 times different from the content of chlorophylls in leaves, but their amount can contribute to the pharmacological effect by oral intake of dried and powdered willow bines. It is found that when extracting the raw material with hexane, the content of the sum of carotenoids in terms of β-carotene is found to be not more than 2.5 mg /% in both leaves and bines of Salix triandra.
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