The known methods to obtain microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) from wood raw material is multi-stage and it is based on the integration of environmentally hazardous processes of pulping, bleaching and acid hydrolysis of cellulose amorphous part. The paper describes a one-stage catalytic method to obtain microcrystalline cellulose from pine wood based on peroxide delignification in acetic acid-water in the presence of a catalyst H2SO4. The optimal parameters of the process of pine wood peroxide delignification in the presence of 2% H2SO4 catalyst were determined by experimental and numerical methods: temperature – 100 °C, concentration H2O2 – 5 wt.%, CH3COOH – 25 wt.%, LWR 15, duration – 4 h. They provide a high yield of cellulose (45.2 wt.%) with a low content of residual lignin (1.0 wt%).The kinetic study of pine wood peroxide delignification at the temperature range 70-100 ºC was accomplished. The delignification process is described satisfactory by the first order equation in all temperature range. The rate constants vary between 0.08·10-4 and 2.15·10-4 s-1 and the activation energy is 90 kJmol-1. It was established by FTIR and XRD methods, that the cellulose, obtained from pine wood has the composition and structure similar to the commercial microcrystalline cellulose.
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