Specific features of fluoride accumulation by two species of herbaceous plants – Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub and Tanacetum vulgare L., were found at different distances from the aluminum smelter located in the Baikal region. The highest fluorine content was recorded at the distance of 3 km from the smelter: 433 mg / kg of dry weight in C. angustifolium, 306 mg / kg in T. vulgare. According to the level of accumulation of fluorine, the organs of C. angustifolium were arranged in the following order (as the concentration decreases): leaves> roots> stems ≥ flowers, for T. vulgare the another sequence was typical: roots> leaves> flowers ≥ stems. Calculation of the root barrier coefficient for different organs of C. angustifolium and T. vulgare indicates the existence of barrier mechanisms that prevent the entry of fluorine from the soil into the aerial part of plants. A feature of the accumulation of fluoride in the leaves of C. angustifolium is its active foliar absorption and barrier-free intake from the soil. It has been established that the rate of fluoride accumulation by the reproductive organs of both species is much lower than by the assimilation organs. The data obtained make it possible to recommend using C. angustifolium for monitoring air fluorine pollution, and T. vulgare – for soil fluorine pollution.
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