• Aleksandra Viktorovna Nekhorosheva Khanty-Mansi state medical academy Email:
  • Sergey Viktorovich Nekhoroshev Khanty-Mansi state medical academy Email:
  • Aleksey Anatol'yevich Drenin Surgut State University Email:
  • Erkin Hozhiakbirovich Botirov Surgut State University Email:
  • Nikolay Viktorovich Gornikov LLC MIP "Health Formula" Email:
  • Anzhela Mikhaylovna Zotova Khanty-Mansi state medical academy Email:
  • Ivan Arkad'yevich Krasil'nikov Khanty-Mansi state medical academy Email:
Keywords: vegetable raw materials, functional and food ingredients, biologically active agents, highly effective liquid chromatography, phenolic connections, extracts, extraction


The analysis of the chemical composition of the vegetable raw materials received from leaves of an aspen ordinary, family plants Willow (Salicaceae), growing in the territory of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Yugra is provided in article. The choice of raw materials is caused by a large supply and fast reproducibility of a raw resource. In work numerical indicators and indicators of high quality of raw materials are established (humidity, the general ashes, sulphatic ashes, ashes not soluble in 10% to hydrochloric acid, extractive substances). The way of extraction of vegetable raw materials is reasonable, the comparative characteristic of content of extractive substances is provided in the received extracts. It is shown that the average content of extractive substances in native samples is 27.9%, the content of polysaccharides – 10.9%. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biologically active agents is carried out by method of a highly effective liquid chromatography. The dominating components in samples of the plants growing in the territory of one land plot are салицин 510 mg of %, гиперозид 170 mg of %, routines of 210 mg of %. Influence of process of fermentation on the chemical composition of the vegetable raw materials received from leaves of an aspen ordinary is studied. The greatest exit of phenolic connections at impact on vegetable raw materials of fermentation is established by cold. The positive effect of impact of fermentation by crushing on quantity of the identified biologically active components is defined. Work was carried out for assessment of phytochemical parameters of quality of vegetable raw materials and formation of justification of analytical approaches to diagnostics of vegetable raw materials of the explored territory.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandra Viktorovna Nekhorosheva, Khanty-Mansi state medical academy

доктор технических наук, доцент, главный научный сотрудник проблемной научно-исследовательской лаборатории

Sergey Viktorovich Nekhoroshev, Khanty-Mansi state medical academy

доктор технических наук, главный научный сотрудник проблемной научно-исследовательской лаборатории

Aleksey Anatol'yevich Drenin, Surgut State University

доцент кафедры химии, кандидат химических наук

Erkin Hozhiakbirovich Botirov, Surgut State University

доктор химических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры химии

Nikolay Viktorovich Gornikov, LLC MIP "Health Formula"

кандидат технических наук, директор

Anzhela Mikhaylovna Zotova, Khanty-Mansi state medical academy


Ivan Arkad'yevich Krasil'nikov, Khanty-Mansi state medical academy



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Хроматограмма экстракта листьев осины обыкновенной
How to Cite
1. Nekhorosheva A. V., Nekhoroshev S. V., Drenin A. A., Botirov E. H., Gornikov N. V., Zotova A. M., Krasil’nikov I. A. THE EFFECT OF THE ENERGY PROCESS ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANT RAW MATERIAL OB-TAINED FROM LEAVES OF THE ASPEN OF THE GENERAL // chemistry of plant raw material, 2018. № 2. P. 251-259. URL: