UDC 661.183.2
The presence of a huge amount of waste of plant origin, including annually renewable, is a high innovative resource for obtaining a variety of useful products of large and small-tonnage chemistry. Processing straw of agricultural crops into activated carbons (AC), which are successfully used in various industries and agriculture, is one of the possible directions of using agricultural waste (AIC) to obtain new functional materials with specific properties. The paper presents studies on the physicochemical properties and structural characteristics of activated carbons based on rape straw and discusses the prospects of their application for solving the most important problems of the agricultural sector. The effect of thermochemical activation temperature (650–750 °С) on the characteristics of the porous structure of adsorbents was studied. The characteristics are calculated on the basis of isotherms of low-temperature (77 K) nitrogen adsorption-desorption. Temperature dependences of the specific surface area, total pore volume, and micropore volume were obtained. It was found that KOH promotes surface development and the formation of a porous system in the entire temperature range.
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