The indirect influence of the high-frequency electromagnetic field of the 30–200 MHz low power range on the reaction rate of the mutation of D-glucose solutions and on the equilibrium in D-fructose and D-glucose solutions was studied. Solutions were prepared using both deionized water and water exposed to a high-frequency electromagnetic field. Control of the process of mutarotation was carried out polarimetrically. To assess the effectiveness of field exposure, the effective constants of the reaction rate of mutarotation were calculated. It has been established that the rate of mutarotation of D-glucose solutions non-linearly decreases with increasing frequency of the electromagnetic field. The effect of pretreatment of the solvent by an electromagnetic field on the equilibrium in solutions of fructose and glucose, which have been subjected to field exposure, has been studied. The observation was carried out for 30 days. It was found that the equilibrium specific rotation in the fructose solution as a result of the influence of the electromagnetic field shifts towards negative values, and in the case of glucose solution it does not change. An explanation of the results obtained is proposed, which is based on the assumption of a change in the structural organization of the solvent - water as a result of the high-frequency electromagnetic field, which can significantly change the hydration interactions of the reaction participants: carbohydrates and hydrogen ions.
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