• Ivan Nikolaevich Koverninskij Ussuriysky Industrial Park LLC Email:
Keywords: chemical-mechanical pulp, cellulose, recycled fiber, paper for corrugating, base paper of sanitary-hygienic paper, physical and mechanical properties, capillary absorption, bulkiness


The article provides material on the study of chemical-thermomechanical pulp (CTMM) from poplar wood, produced by the Chinese company WeifangderuibioloDgical TECHNOLODGY CO., LTD. As a result of the research, it was established that CTMP of poplar wood has the ability to be easily milled with a significant increase (by 30–80%) of physical and mechanical properties. The interval of the possible degree of grinding, in which the mass can be used with the greatest efficiency, is recommended 30–50 °SR.

CTMM in unbleached form is a high-quality primary semi-finished fibrous material that can be effectively used in combination with waste fiber for the production of corrugated paper and cardboard for flat layers of corrugated cardboard (test liner). Adding weight to the composition is appropriate in the range of 20–50%.

CTMM in bleached form is a high-quality primary fiber for the production of base paper for various sanitary purposes. Compositions with bleached cellulose, in which cellulose should be added within 15–20%, will differ in high efficiency in imparting properties to paper.

When using coniferous sapwood (pine, larch), a characteristic large-tonnage waste of Russian enterprises, an increase in the mechanical properties of the mass is expected by 20–30%. Such a mass will be a significant factor in the development of the production of containerboard, sanitary and hygienic, as well as other types of paper and cardboard.

The CTMM technology offered by the Chinese company WeifangderuibioloDgical TECHNOLODGY CO., LTD is recommended for use by Russian timber merchants. In terms of its importance, the technology is capable of solving the tasks of developing the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, provided for in the Strategy for the Development of the Forest Complex of Russia until 2030.


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Author Biography

Ivan Nikolaevich Koverninskij, Ussuriysky Industrial Park LLC

доктор технических наук, профессор, академик РАЕН


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How to Cite
1. Koverninskij I. N. STUDY OF PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CHEMICAL-THERMOMECHANICAL MASS FROM WOOD OF THE POPLING // chemistry of plant raw material, 2019. № 2. P. 305-310. URL:
Paper and cardboard