The development of new plant growth regulators based on products of chemical processing of plant raw materials is currently an urgent task for increasing yields in agricultural production. On the basis of carboxymethylated plant materials, "Eco-Stim" plant growth regulator has been developed. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of the storage conditions of solutions of carboxymethylated plant materials in "Eco-Stim" as part of the preparation on their rheological and growth-regulating properties.
The rheological properties of the aqueous systems of carboxymethylated pine, sunflower, and oat chaff have been studied at concentrations of 0.2–15%. It is established that the change in viscosity as a result of the shear rate of the systems studied is more complex in comparison with aqueous solutions of Na-CMC. Storage of solutions of carboxymethylated vegetable raw materials for 20 months, as well as the processes of freezing and thawing for 6–9 weeks have practically no effect on the viscosity and growth regulating properties of carboxymethylated vegetable raw materials. The studied systems make it possible to increase the germination of wheat seeds Omskaya-36 to 80–87% and to increase the length of the root by 4–10 times and the stem by 1.5–2 times compared to the control.
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