UDC 581.192:582.573.76
The data on the content of 22 chemical elements in the leaves and rhizomes of Hemerocallis hybrida plants of the Speak to me and Regal Air varieties growing in soil-ecological conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia are presented. The General regularities of accumulation and distribution of macro- and microelements in leaves and rhizomes of plants of two varieties of daylilies are established: excess of the content of many microelements (vanadium, chromium, nickel, rubidium) in rhizomes in comparison with leaves. It was revealed that the concentration of chemical elements in plants differed both in organs and between varieties. The peculiarity of the mineral composition of the Regal Air variety was the excess of the total content of trace elements in 1.5–3 times compared to the variety Speak to me. Concentrations of individual elements in the leaves and rhizomes of daylilies differed significantly. It is shown that in both varieties in the leaves the amount of bromine was 4 times higher than in rhizomes, strontium – 1.5–1.8 times. The concentration of toxicant elements in the phytomass of Hemerocallis hybrida varieties was significantly lower than permissible concentration, which makes it possible to use them for medicinal purposes.
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