UDC 547.913
Artemisia subviscosa Turcz. Ex Bess. is an endemic species of the Baikal region. It grow on the territory of the Barguzinsky region of the Republic of Buryatia. Raw materials for the study were collected during the expedition work in 2016. By the method of hydrodistillation the essential oils from the aerial parts and individual organs (inflorescences, leaves, stems) of the A. subviscosa was extract. The greatest yield of essential oil is registered in flowers (0.7%). The composition was determined by chromatography-mass spectrometry on an Agilent Packard HP 6890 gas chromatograph with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (HP MSD 5973N) as a detector. More than 70 components have been identified and it has been established that the composition of essential oils is represented by mono- and sesquiterpene compounds, the first predominantly accumulate in the inflorescences, the others – in leaves and stems and the aerial parts. The dominant components are santolina triene (2.9–33.1%), germacrene D (2.1–8.8%), β-selinene (6.4–9.3%), α-selinene (6.4–8.6%), α-bulnesene (1.9–2.7%), δ-cadinene (1.7–2.4%), caryophyllene oxide (2.1–9.9%), caryophyllene (11.6–17.5%), γ-muurolene (1.4–4.0%), aciphyllene (2.8–3.2%) , acyphyllic acid (4.5–10.5%), spathulenol (0.8–3.7%).
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