UDC 582.998.1
The main purpose of the article was to study the content of the biochemical composition of different raw materials (flowers, leaves, stems, roots) of some representatives of the genus Paeonia L. (species ‒ P. peregrina Mill., P. officinalis L., P. lactiflora Pall., P. delavayi Franch., varieties ‒ Mechta S.P. Koroleva, Olga Kravchenko, Polyarnik 8, Sabantuy), introduced and grown on the basis of the South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences for further use as a new source of medicinal plant raw materials. The presence of amino acids was determined by the amino acid analyzer AAA-339 (HSSR), elemental composition ‒ by atomic absorption spectrometry. As a result of commodity analysis found that the leaves of paeony in maximum quantities accumulate ascorbic acid and starch; in the roots – sugar; in the stems – fiber; in flowers – carotenoids and protein. The study of the elemental composition of paeony showed that the P. peregrina quantitative content of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese is superior to other types of peony; among the varieties, the maximum values of sodium, calcium, copper and iodine were noted in Olga Kravchenko. The presence of 14 amino acids, 9 of which are essential, was revealed. The maximum accumulation of amino acids is observed in the leaves of most species and in the stems of varieties of paeony. The amount of essential amino acids is 2.51–4.88 mg/%, the sum of all amino acids is 5.96–9.46 mg/%, which reflects the biological value of the objects of study.
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