The homeland of Myrthus communis L. is Mediterranean region, in the countries of which its wild-growing and cultivated varieties grow. In the collection of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences the economic-valuable and morphological features of nine cultivars of this species have been studied. The plant is considered as a promising industrial medicinal culture.
Contamination of medicinal plants with heavy metals and other toxic elements is an existing problem, which is associated with serious concern of international organizations on the quality and safety of medicinal raw materials.
It is now established that trace constituents, entering into connection with chemical regulators of metabolism, including amino acids, participate in various biochemical processes, stimulate and normalize metabolism.
The objective of this work is to study the elemental and amino acid composition of leaves of Myrthus communis L., cultivated in the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens.
The study of Myrthus communis L. ultimate composition has been done with due regard to General Monograph requirements "The identification of heavy metals and arsenium in medicinal raw materials and plant preparations" for State Pharmacopeia of XIII edition. The research of the amino acid profile has been done subject to State All-Union Standard 32195-2013 (ISO 13903:2005).
As a result of research it has been established that leaves of Myrthus communis L. accumulate 28 elements and 16 amino acids. The content of heavy metals and arsenium in the studied samples did not exceed the maximum permissible values for medicinal plant raw materials established by the Russian State Pharmacopoeia. The total content of amino acids in the leaves of myrtle was 11.65%. Among the amino acids found, glutamic and aspartic acids prevailed. The least in the leaves was methionine. The obtained results will be used for follow up standardization of myrtle raw materials as a promising source of medicinal plant raw material.
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