UDC 547.458.88+664.292
This article is devoted to the study of the structuring of galactomannan isolated from Sophora japonica with borate ions. Based on the galactomannan isolated from the seeds of Sophora japonica (lat. Styphnolobium japonicum), a basis for a soft dosage form has been developed. It has been suggested that the network structures of gel systems are formed due to the formation of bridge bonds between the functional groups of the galactomannan and boron ions. Studied the rheological properties of the resulting jelly. The study of the process of gelation of galactomannan showed that the dynamic viscosity depends on the pH, the concentration of the crosslinking agent and the concentration of the solution of galactomannan. The gel was plasticized and it was assumed that the presence of glycerol destroys chemical crosslinking, due to the formation of a complex compound with sodium tetraborate. A soft dosage form has been developed with the addition of 10% propylene glycol as a plasticizer and a preservative solution – 0.1%. As a result of further research developed soft dosage forms revealed that after 6–12 months of storage in vivo at a temperature of +20±5 °C, the studied gel remained stable. These studies made it possible to apply the studied gel in medicine as the basis for a soft dosage form.
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