UDC 662.641.1

  • Tat'yana Anatol'yevna Adamovich Vyatka State University Email:
  • Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zaytsev Vyatka State University Email:
  • Yelena Vladimirovna Beresneva Vyatka State University Email:
Keywords: lowland peat, humic acids, physico-chemical properties of peat, sorption capacity


The article is devoted to the study of the sorption properties of peat. The ability of low-level peat of two deposits of the Kirov region to absorb heavy metals (HM) was studied (using lead ions as an example). It is shown that humic substances are the most important component of peat, determining its sorption properties. Based on the analysis of the physicochemical properties of peat, an attempt was made to reveal the reasons for the difference in the sorption properties of peat of different deposits. The content of heavy metals, moisture, organic matter, mobile aluminum, the ash content of peat, and the pH of an aqueous extract from peat were studied in peat. The research results showed that the content of HM in peat practically does not affect its sorption properties. At the same time, they suggest that the ash content and moisture content may affect the sorption value. The content of HM in low-lying peat of the studied deposits of the Kirov region does not exceed the MPC/UEC. Biotesting of peat samples was carried out on two test objects – on the change in bioluminescence of the bacterial test system «Ekolyum» and on mortality Daphnia magna. The results of the biotesting testify that the studied samples are not toxic. The authors believe that the results of the studies allow us to recommend the peat of the studied deposits of the Kirov region for practical use as a heavy metal sorbent.Keywords: lowland peat, humic acids, physico-chemical properties of peat, sorption capacity.


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Author Biographies

Tat'yana Anatol'yevna Adamovich, Vyatka State University

доцент  кафедры фундаментальной химии и методики обучения химии, кандидат географических наук

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zaytsev, Vyatka State University

доцент  кафедры фундаментальной химии и методики обучения химии, кандидат педагогических наук

Yelena Vladimirovna Beresneva, Vyatka State University

профессор кафедры фундаментальной химии и методики обучения химии, кандидат педагогических наук


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How to Cite
1. Adamovich T. A., Zaytsev M. A., Beresneva Y. V. THE STUDY OF SORPTION PROPERTIES OF PEAT DEPOSITS IN THE KIROV REGION // chemistry of plant raw material, 2020. № 2. P. 299-305. URL:
Peat and products of its processing