UDC 547.913+ 543.544.32

  • Ra"no Botirovna Karabaeva Fergana State University Email:
  • Alidzhan Aminovich Ibragimov Fergana State University Email:
  • Otabek Mamadaliyevich Nazarov Fergana State University Email:
Keywords: Prunus persica var. nectarina, components, essential oil, chromatography-mass spectral analysis, hydrodistillation, camphor, isoborneol


The article presents the results of determining the composition of essential oils of Prunus persica var. nectarina varieties "yellow nectarine" – "sariк luchchak (uzb.) ", growing in two regions of the Ferghana region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The pale yellow essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation from un-dried fresh leaves of plants. The oil composition was determined by chromatography-mass spectrometry on an Agilent 7890 AGC 6890 N gas chromotograph with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (Agilent 5975C inert MSD) as a detector on an HP-5 MS quartz capillary column. An essential oil of pale yellow color was isolated from the leaves of plants. In the composition of essential oils, 56 and 61 compounds were identified in the first and second samples, respectively, wich is 94.55 and 96.00% of the total components. The dominant components of the first saple are camphor bicyclic monoterpene ketones (24.21%), α-thujone (15.00%) and β-thujone (4.27%), aromatic aldehyde benzaldehyde (18.83%) and isobornoleol bicyclic monoterpene alcohol (6.17%). In the second sample, bicyclic monoterpenic ketones (camphor) (36.67%), α-thujone (21.81%) and β-thujone (7.06%) and bicyclic monoterpene alcohol isobornoleol (9.4%) predominate and monocyclic unsaturated monoterpene α-terpinene (2.18%). In both samples, (+)-2-bornanone (camphor) is predominant. The studied variety Prunus persica var. nectarina can serve as a raw material for the production of essential oil, the main components of which are camphor and isobornoleol.


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Author Biographies

Ra"no Botirovna Karabaeva, Fergana State University


Alidzhan Aminovich Ibragimov, Fergana State University

доктор химических наук, профессор кафедры химии

Otabek Mamadaliyevich Nazarov, Fergana State University

доктор философии по химическим наукам, старший преподаватель кафедры химии


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How to Cite
1. Karabaeva R. B., Ibragimov A. A., Nazarov O. M. COMPONENT COMPOSITION OF ESSENTIAL OIL PRUNUS PERSICA VAR. NECTARINA GROWING IN UZBEKI-STAN // chemistry of plant raw material, 2020. № 4. P. 165-170. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds