UDC 615.322:543.422.3
The objects of the study were Mature dried fruits of Chinese birch (Lycium chinense Mill., this. Solanaceae (Solanaceae)). Four samples were examined: No. 1 (Gifts of Pamir, Russia), No. 2 (Gullin Tianhe Pharmaceutical, China), No. 3 (A. J. Alliance, Russia), No. 4 (Globaltorg, Russia). The purpose of this work is to determine the amount of carotenoids in the fruits of Chinese by spectrophotometry.
The quantitative determination of the amount of carotenoids in the raw material of Chinese Dereza was carried out. Thin-layer chromatography was used to confirm the presence of carotenoids in the fruits of Dereza. The expediency of using the spectrophotometric method for the detection and quantitative determination of carotenoids in extracts from the fruits of Chinese birch is substantiated. The electron spectra of hexane, acetone and acetone-hexane solutions in the wavelength range 400–500 nm have a maximum optical density at 450±2 nm, characteristic of β-carotene. The optimal conditions of extraction of carotenoids from the raw materials of this plant (extractant – hexane; ratio "raw material–extractant" – 1 : 5; extraction time – 90 minutes; the degree of grinding of raw materials – 0.5 mm). It was determined that the error of a single determination of the content of carotenoids in the fruits of Chinese Dereza with a confidence probability of 95% is ±3,49%. It was revealed that the content of carotenoids in the raw material of Chinese Dereza varies in the range of 33–39 mg%.
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