UDC 676:661.728
The results of studies of changes in the fractional composition, calorific value and structure of lignin as a component of the fuel briquette as a result of mechanical activation based on the interpretation of experimental research data are given in the article. Criteria for mechanical activation are proposed. To identify the joint effect of mechanical activation time and the proportion of technical in the composition of the briquette, the experiment planning method was applied. As a result of data processing, a regression equation was obtained for predicting the calorific value of briquettes from the lignin content and the time of its mechanical activation, and its adequacy was proved. The developed methods and criteria for evaluating the results of thermogravimetric studies allow us to predict the efficiency of mechanical activation and the calorific value of technical hydrolysis lignin as a component of fuel briquette. At the same time, by varying the compositional composition and technological parameters of briquetting, it is possible to predict the production of fuel briquettes of required quality from wood waste.
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