• Ирина (Irina) Леонидовна (Leonidovna) Бухарина (Buharina) Udmurt State University, Universitetskaia st., 1, Izhevsk, 426034 Email: buharin@udmlink.ru
  • Петр (Petr) Анатольевич (Anatol'evich) Кузьмин (Kuz'min) Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Kirova st., 16, Izhevsk, 426033 Email: petrkuzmin84@yandex.ru
  • Айгуль (Ajgul') Мухаметнагимовна (Muhametnagimovna) Шарифуллина (Sharifullina) Kazan Federal University, Kazanskaia st., 89, Yelabuga, 423600 Email: amsharifullina@yandex.ru
Keywords: tannins, wood plantings, technogenic environment, adaptive reactions


Dynamics of the content of tannins in leaves of wood species of the plants growing in plantings of various ecological categories is studied. Researches are conducted on the example of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny of the republic of Tatarstan. The complex index of pollution of the atmosphere of the city shows very high pollution and excess of level of maximum permissible concentration on benzopyrene, formaldehyde, phenols and carbon oxides and nitrogen. Participation of this metabolite in adaptive reactions of wood plants to conditions of the technogenic environment is shown. It is revealed that the content of tannins in leaves of plants increases during the entire period of active vegetation and reaches the maximum value in august. The content of tannins in leaves is influenced by degree of technogenic loading and feature of weather conditions of the vegetative period. Dynamics of accumulation of tannins in leaves of wood plants has specific specifics. For creation the trunk of landings the preference should be given to such species of wood plants as acer platanoides, acer negundo, betula pendula, tilia cordata and populus balsamifera − to limit application of a linden. For creation of plantings of sanitary protection zones of the industrial enterprises the most reasonable tree species are tilia cordata, populus balsamifera, acer platanoides and betula pendula.


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Author Biographies

Ирина (Irina) Леонидовна (Leonidovna) Бухарина (Buharina), Udmurt State University, Universitetskaia st., 1, Izhevsk, 426034
профессор кафедры инженерной защиты окружающей среды, доктор биологических наук
Петр (Petr) Анатольевич (Anatol'evich) Кузьмин (Kuz'min), Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Kirova st., 16, Izhevsk, 426033
доцент кафедры биологии и экологии, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук
Айгуль (Ajgul') Мухаметнагимовна (Muhametnagimovna) Шарифуллина (Sharifullina), Kazan Federal University, Kazanskaia st., 89, Yelabuga, 423600


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How to Cite
1. Бухарина (Buharina)И. (Irina) Л. (Leonidovna), Кузьмин (Kuz’min)П. (Petr) А. (Anatol’evich), Шарифуллина (Sharifullina)А. (Ajgul’) М. (Muhametnagimovna) FEATURES OF THE CONTENT OF TANNINS IN LEAVES OF WOOD PLANTS IN THE TECHNOGENIC ENVIRON-MENT // chemistry of plant raw material, 2015. № 4. P. 71-76. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/711.
Low-molecular weight compounds