UDC 676.22.017:677.1.002.68
The article gives the consideration to the properties of paper with the addition of pulp mass from the waste of the pharmaceutical industry, namely licorice root after removing extraction. Licorice roots were dried to air-dry state after extraction, cleaned of wastes and cut into fragments 10–30 mm long, then subjected to pulping with 2–4% NaOH solution at a hydro module 1 : 5, at a temperature of 95–98 °С for 60–90 minutes. After washing with hot water, they are bleached in an alkaline medium with a solution of hydrogen peroxide at a consumption of 3–4% of the mass of absolutely dry cellulose, hydro module 1: 5, temperature 70–95 °C for 60–90 minutes. After washing, grinding to a gristing degree of ~60°ShR, prepared castings weighting 80–90 g/m2 on a leaf-casting mashine. Physical, mechanical and optical properties of experimental castings are determined. Revealed that the addition of malt mass of the cotton contributes to the formation of dense orderly structures of the paper sheet, as short fibers of licorice filled the gaps between the long fibers of cotton pulp, thereby reducing the pore volume and reactive surface availability and receipt paper with the highest mechanical strength. Adding malt mass to cotton mass at a ratio of 10 : 2 is optimal, further replenishment contributes to an increase in sorption absorption, that is, to obtain paper with a porous structure, which is not desirable for high-quality reproduction.
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