UDC 634.18
Currently, the diet of almost all population groups in Russia is characterized by a deficiency of vitamins, essential amino acids, macro- and micronutrients, as well as biologically active substances (flavonoids, carotenoids, etc.). Replenishment of the lack of these components in the diet of the population due to natural sources of plant origin is an important and actual task of national health care.
The rational use of natural components of plant materials containing a wide range of natural biologically active substances using biocatalytic methods, as well as the selection of optimal conditions for obtaining commodity forms of ingredients, will allow to create preventive products that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Theoretical research in the field of promising sources of food and biologically active ingredients among wild species of plant materials were carried out. Biomedical properties of Sorbus aucuparia were described. The technological characteristics of the biologically active substances extraction from dried plant raw materials was investigated. Thus, it was revealed that the degree of dried berries grinding about 0.2–0.8 mm, the hydromodule 1 : 10 and the extraction duration 240 minutes are most effective for the extractive substances yield. The enzymatic complex, allowing the maximum to release biologically valuable components to extract was selected. The amino acid composition of rowanberry with the use of high-performance liquid chromatography was investigated. Produced fermentalizates contain complex of biologically active compounds, including amino acids, vitamins, carotenoids, phenolic substances, that makes these ingredients promising for creation of various foodstuffs to improve quality, nutritional and biological value, taste and other consumer properties.
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