UDC 547.973
The buds of Populus balsamifera L. are a source of biologically active compounds, among which flavonoids are considered major. The aim of our study is to determine the optimal method for extraction by barothermal method, ethanol and supercritical carbon dioxide, isolation and purification of flavonoid components of Populus balsamifera L. buds. The article presents the results of a study of barothermic, alcohol extraction and extraction by liquid carbon dioxide of the raw materials of the Populus balsamifera L. buds. All three methods allow the extraction of biologically active flavonoids. Moreover, the completeness of the extraction of the flavonoids of the Populus balsamifera L. buds is achieved by the barothermic method. In turn, the extraction by liquid carbon dioxide allows the targeted extraction of pinostrobin with a high content in sum of Populus balsamifera L. buds substances. During chromatographic separation using petroleum ether : ethyl acetate as eluents, yield of flavonoids pinostrobin, tectochrysine, pinocembrin and chrysin is comparatively higher than when using other systems as eluents. Thus, for the preparative production of biologically active flavonoids pinostrobin, tectochrysine, pinocembrin and chrysin, we have determined the optimal conditions for extraction by the barothermic method and chromatographic separation of the sum of substances of Populus balsamifera L. buds.
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