UDC 676.15
This article presents the classification of the resulting types of powdered cellulosic materials, their scope, as well as the problems arising during production. The main properties of powder cellulose materials are considered. Analyzed the quality indicators of the pulp, previously ground in a disc mill. The main technological parameters of the experimental setup and the comparative characteristics of the used knife grinding sets are presented. In the course of the experimental research, knife grinding sets with straight and curved knives were used. The data obtained confirmed the previously put forward hypothesis about the predominant fibrillation of cellulose fiber milled using a grinding set with a curved blade shape. This feature of the headset design is especially important when grinding hardwood pulp, which has a lower initial value, compared to softwood pulp. The data obtained in determining the degree of grinding, water retention capacity, fiber length of softwood and hardwood cellulose after knife grinding and the degree of polymerization after hydrolysis are presented. A method for producing powdered cellulose material with characteristics similar to microcrystalline cellulose is considered. The regulated parameters of the hydrolysis process are set and a comparison is made of the degree of polymerization of the considered samples of powdered cellulose.
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