UDC 547.672. 633.511:631.8

  • Baxtiyar Alimovich Abduraxmanov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
  • Ravshanjon Muratjanovich Khalilov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
  • Gairat Bakhtiyorovich Sotimov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
Keywords: Hypericum perforatum, Hypericum scabrum, hyperecin, extractive substances, extraction, optimization, mathematical planning of experiment, technology, Dry extract of Hypericum


The process extraction of hypericin from the aerial parts of Hypericum scabrum and Hypericum perforatum was studied. On the basis results research, the following extraction conditions were established: extractant – 80% ethanol, particle size of raw material – no more than 8 mm and process temperature – 20–40 °C. By the method of mathematical planning of the experiment according to Box-Wilson, the extraction conditions were determined, which ensure the extraction of hypericin from the raw material with a yield of 95%. Proposed a five-fold extraction of hypericin from the aerial parts of H. scabrum and H. perforatum with the necessary infusion at the first contact of the phases – 6 hours, at the second – 5 hours, at the third and fourth – 4 hours and at the fifth – 2 hours. The proposed a united technology for obtaining a «Dry extract of Hypericum» from the aerial parts of H. perforatum and H. scabrum. The proposed conditions for the extraction of hypericin were tested at the Technology center for GMP requirements by the Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 500.0 kg of the substance «Dry extract of Hypericum» adequate of Technical Conditions 03535440-022: 2016 has been produced.


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Author Biographies

Baxtiyar Alimovich Abduraxmanov, Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan

PhD, младший научный сотрудник экспериментально-технологической лаборатории

Ravshanjon Muratjanovich Khalilov, Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan

доктор технических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник экспериментально-технологической лаборатории

Gairat Bakhtiyorovich Sotimov, Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov, of the Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan

доктор технических наук, заведующий экспериментально-технологической лабораторией


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How to Cite
1. Abduraxmanov B. A., Khalilov R. M., Sotimov G. B. STUDY OF THE PROCESS EXTRACTION OF HYPERICIN FROM THE AERIAL PARTS OF HYPERICUM SCABRUM AND HYPERICUM PERFORATUM // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 1. P. 299-307. URL: