For thefirst time we have studied Polygonatum glaberrimum C. Koch. from the flora of Azerbaijan with the aim of finding sources of steroidal sapogenins.First the sum of native glycosides were extracted and then exposed to acidic hydrolysis. Native glycosides were isolated 4 times from the rhizomes by 70% ethanol, all spirituous extracts were combined, evaporated until aqueous residue, diluted with water and filtered. Steroidal glycosides were extracted by n-butanol from water solution 4 times, all organic extracts were combined and washed with 10% solution of ammonia 3 times. The sum of native glycosides, obtained after distillation of n-butanol, was exposed to acidic hydrolysis. The sum of sapogenins consisting of two components was obtained, which was separated by column chromatography on silica gel L. Individual substances 1 and 2 were isolated. On the base of physico-chemical constants, Rf value in different systems , IR- spectrum and the absence of the melting point depression of the sample mixed with authentic samples substance 1 was identified as diosgenin. On the base of comparison of the physico-chemical constants, data of the IR- spectrum and chromatographic behavior of more polar substance 2 with the literature data, it was established that the substance 2 is pennogenin. The yield of diosgenin is 0,84%, of pennogenin – 0,21%.
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