UDC 676:661.728

  • Aleksandr Valentinovich Lorentsson Saint Petersburg state University of industrial technologies and design. Higher school of technology and energy Email: lorenss74@mail.ru
  • Nadezhda Leonidovna Koroleva Saint Petersburg state University of industrial technologies and design. Higher school of technology and energy Email: nadik-izmailova@mail.ru
  • Yuriy Mitrofanovich Chernoberezhskii Saint Petersburg state University of industrial technologies and design. Higher school of technology and energy Email: lorenss74@mail.ru
Keywords: microcrystalline cellulose, electrical double layer, electrical surface properties


The electrical surface properties (specific surface charge of particles - σ0, point of zero charge – pHPZC, electrokinetic potential - ζ and position of isoelectric point - pHIEP) of dispersions of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in aqueous solutions of H2SO4, NaOH, Na2SO4 and TiOSO4 were investigated. Significant effects of specific adsorption of anions and cations on pHPZC and pHIEP have been demonstrated. The isoelectric point of the MCC particles in the H2SO4 solution is at pH 2.0, while the zero charge point in 5·10-4 M solution Na2SO4 at pH 5.6. An explanation of the observed effects is given. Possible schemes of the structure of the electrical double layer at different pH values, taking into account specific adsorption of ions in the Stern layer, are given. The introduction of TiOSO4 (10-5 mol/dm3) shifts the position of IEP to a less acidic region (pHIEP 4.5) due to the specific adsorption of positively charged TiOSO4 hydrolysis products particles.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandr Valentinovich Lorentsson, Saint Petersburg state University of industrial technologies and design. Higher school of technology and energy

директор института технологии

Nadezhda Leonidovna Koroleva, Saint Petersburg state University of industrial technologies and design. Higher school of technology and energy

старший преподаватель

Yuriy Mitrofanovich Chernoberezhskii, Saint Petersburg state University of industrial technologies and design. Higher school of technology and energy



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How to Cite
1. Lorentsson A. V., Koroleva N. L., Chernoberezhskii Y. M. EFFECT OF ELECTROLYTES ON ELECTROSURFACE PROPERTIES OF MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLU-LOSE PARTICLES // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 3. P. 55-60. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/8738.
Biopolymers of plants