UDC 615.322: 547.972+543.544
Leaves of species of the genus Juglans L. of the Juglandaceae family are promising types of officinal medicinal plant materials, which preparations have an antimicrobial, restorative effect. In our opinion, the contribution to the antimicrobial activity, along with naphthoquinones, is also made by flavonoids contained in the leaves of various species of the genus Juglans L. Therefore, there is a need to determine the chemical composition of the leaves of species of the genus Juglans L. using modern methods of analysis. This article discusses the results of studying the component composition of the leaves of Juglans nigra L., Juglans regia L. and Juglans cinerea L. by microcolumn high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at an analytical wavelength of 360 nm. The conditions for chromatographic separation were established for the analysis of extracts from the leaves of species of the genus Juglans L. It was determined that in the leaves of Juglans nigra L. using HPLC it is possible to identify flavonoids - myricitrin, quercitrin, which are dominant and diagnostically significant for this type of raw material. In addition, the medicinal plant contains the aglycone of myricitrin – myricetin. A similar flavonoid profile was revealed in two types of medicinal plant raw materials – leaves of Juglans regia L. and Juglans cinerea L. Hyperoside, quercitrin, and juglanin were found in these species.
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