• Сергей Гаврилович Ильясов Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1, Biysk 659322, (Russia) Email:
  • Виктор Александрович Черкашин Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1, Biysk 659322, (Russia) Email:
  • Геннадий Викторович Сакович Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1, Biysk 659322, (Russia) Email:
Keywords: hydrotropic lignin, acetolignin, depolymerization, hydrothermal treatment, organosolv


Two modified forms of lignin were obtained by the hydrothermal depolymerization of lignin derived from a lignocellulosic source (Miscanthus sinensis-Andersson). One of them is soluble in many organic solvents (organosolv) and has a softening point of 48 to 98 °C, and the other one is practically insoluble in organic solvents and is unsoftenable even at high temperatures.


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Author Biographies

Сергей Гаврилович Ильясов, Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1, Biysk 659322, (Russia)
заместитель директора по научной работе, доктор химических наук, тел./факс: (3854) 30-59-37
Виктор Александрович Черкашин, Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1, Biysk 659322, (Russia)
ведущий инженер, тел.: (3854) 30-14-89
Геннадий Викторович Сакович, Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), ul. Socialisticheskaya, 1, Biysk 659322, (Russia)
советник РАН, научный руководитель института, академик РАН, тел.: (3854) 30-59-55, факс (3854) 30-30-43


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How to Cite
1. Ильясов С. Г., Черкашин В. А., Сакович Г. В. DEPOLYMERIZATION OF LIGNIN BY HYDROTHERMAL METHOD // chemistry of plant raw material, 2014. № 4. P. 21-27. URL:
Biopolymers of plants