The chemical composition of heartwood extractive substances of L. cajanderi Mayr., growing in the Magadan area is investigated.
It is shown that the flavonoides maximum content in the investigated wood makes 4,5%, and their greatest content is observed in samples from southern regions of the Magadan area. The quantitative proportion of the basic larch flavonoides - dihydroquercetin and accompanying related substances (dihydrokaempferol, eriodictiol, naringenin) makes ~ 4,5 : 1 that considerably differs from that in the wood of Larix sibirica and Larix gmelinii (L. dahurica) (9: 1).
The investigated samples of L. cajanderi wood, depending on growth area, contain 2,3–15,6% of polysaccharide arabinogalactan (AG). According to IR and a NMR 13С spectroscopy data the received samples of arabinogalactan are similar to AG from a L. sibirica and L. gmelinii. The average molecular weights of AG macromolecules defined by HPLC method, and monosaccharide composition (Ara/Gal), calculated on NMR 13С spectra, considerably depend on larch place of growth. The studied samples are characterised by higher average molecular weight and smaller degree of polydispersity in comparison with AG from L. sibirica and L. gmelinii; on these parameters they are close to AG from Western larch (L. occidentalis Nutt.).
The received results testify that on extractive substances chemical composition L. cajanderi is close to the Western larch (L. occidentalis Nutt.), growing in the north of the American continent.
The conducted researches allow concluding that larch wood from various regions of the Magadan area territory can serve as perspective raw material for bioflavonoid complex and of polysaccharide arabinogalactan production.
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