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Daria K. Shcheglova Email: daschul9@mail.ru


Civic identity is one of the most important identities of the individual. Its structure includes a number of components: cognitive, emotional, behavioral, symbolic, which explains its complexity and ambiguity. During the formation of identity, all components require attention, including emotion, having a diverse range of emotions, based on the relation of the ideal image of identity to reality. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in four border regions: Kaliningrad region, Voronezh region, Altai region and Khabarovsk region, (N=1753). The article analyses the manifestation of the civic identity of the population of border regions, as well as assessment of the emotional aspect of civic identity from the standpoint of socio-demographic characteristics.


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How to Cite
Shcheglova, D. K. (2023). EMOTIONAL ASPECT OF CIVIL IDENTITY OF THE RESIDENTS OF THE RUSSIAN BORDER REGION. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 165-181. https://doi.org/10.14258/SSI(2023)2-11
Author Biography

Daria K. Shcheglova, Altai State University

Daria K. Shcheglova – Postgraduate Student, Department of Social and Youth Policy, Institute for the Humanities, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.


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