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М. И. Черепанова Email:
М. Б. Максимов Email:
С. А. Сарыглар Email:


The relevance of theoretical modeling is due to the presence in recent decades of a high level of prevalence of migration processes in the border regions of Russia, including the Altai territory. Scientific problems are caused by the insufficient development of the problem of effective migration policy, which would contribute to the optimal adaptation and socialization of migrants. The purpose of the development of theoretical models was to identify the system of significant factors contributing to the intensification of migration processes in modern Russian society. The proposed model is based on a synthesis of the theories of structural E. Giddens, theories of social and cultural adaptation of migrants in other ethnic environment, as well as on the synthetic theory of migration D. Massey, which considers migration as a consequence of the rapid development of economic, political and social spheres of society. In addition, the concept of transnational migration of sh.Glik is used, considering migration as a process of emergence of new transnational networks. The design of the research model includes a qualitative analysis of the synthesis of objective and subjective components of migration processes in the Russian border area. The conclusions are made that the effective adaptation of immigrants depends on the interrelated components of the social welfare of visitors in the system of succession of domigration, migration and post-migration processes, the implementation of which, on the one hand is due to individual strategies, and on the other hand depends on the migration policy of the host society. The scientific novelty of the proposed model lies in the study of migration adaptation strategies of migrants in the context of a continuous time continuum, the dynamics of subjective behavioral dispositions of migrants and objective globalization processes. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the identified indicators for effective social management in the field of migration policy.


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Черепанова, М. И., Максимов, М. Б., & Сарыглар, С. А. (2018). SIMULATION OF REPRODUCTIVE MECHANISMS OF TRANSIT MIGRATION. Society and Security Insights, 1(2), 100-112.


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