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Marya I. Cherepanova Email:
Svetlana G. Maximova Email:
Sydysmaa A. Saryglar Email:


The scientific significance of studying security problems in regional societies is determined by the need to reveal its actual components. Such complex indicator as social capital includes basic indicators of the functioning of civil society: social responsibility, activity, civic initiative, etc. The social capital formed in society induces generalized trust. At the same time, institutional trust contributes to the legitimization of legal and political institutions. The purpose of this article is to describe the social mechanism of interdependence of components of social capital and generalized trust that form a sense of security in the region. The article summarizes expert assessments that indicate heterogeneity of institutional systems, which are indicators of low coherence of the social order and form a low level of trust and, consequently, security in the Altai territory. It is concluded that for modern Russian society, as well as for its regions, the problem of regenerating generalized trust as a social background for optimizing post-industrial transformations is extremely significant. Stability of the active role of social institutions, the reproduction of spiritual values, such as the common good, inter-ethnic tolerance, social justice are among most important factors restoring social trust.


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How to Cite
Cherepanova, M. I., Maximova, S. G., & Saryglar, S. A. (2020). SOCIAL CAPITAL OF THE ALTAI TERRITORY: HOW TRUST DETERMINES SECURITY. Society and Security Insights, 3(2), 132-149.


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