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In the modern world, the study of return migration is quite relevant and requires detailed study. However, it is characterized by some difficulties related to methodology, statistical accounting of return migrants and others. In this regard, many aspects of return migration remain incompletely investigated and require additional attention from scientists. This article reviews the results of studies, the conclusions of scientific articles describing the specifics of return migration in the Russian Federation, the motives for the return of compatriots, and the factors influencing the process of return migration. It also presents some of the results of a sociological survey (2020-2021, n=2540), which was aimed at studying return migration in the border regions of Russia.
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Shakhova, E. V., & Shcheglova, D. K. (2020). STUDY OF RETURN MIGRATION PROCESSES IN THE BORDER REGIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Society and Security Insights, 4(1), 40-48.
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Иванова Р. В. Возвратная миграция в Россию: еще одна эмиграция? Вестник СПбГУ. Серия 5: Экономика, 2017, No. 1, 141-161.
Канылин В. А. Актуальные проблемы возвратной миграционной политики в России. Социально-гуманитарные знания, 2013, No. 1, 148-155.
Кузнецова А. Р. Тенденции образовательной миграции в Российской Федерации. Siberian Socium, 2019, 3 (2), 52-65. doi: 10.21684/2587-8484-2019-3-2-52-65.
Пруель Н. А., Липатова Л. Н., Градусова В. Н. Миграция в современной России: масштабы, основные направления и проблемы. Регионология, 2020, 1 (110), 133-158.
Рязанцев С. В., Письменная Е. Е., Храмова М. Н. Возвратная миграция соотечественников в Россию: существует ли миграционный потенциал? Народонаселение, 2015, No. 2, 64-73.
Статистика международной миграции. Практическое руководство для стран Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Организация Объединенных Наций, 2011, URL: (дата обращения: 05.10.2020).
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration. International Organization for Migration. URL: (дата обращения: 10.03.2020).
Glossary on Migration. International Organization for Migration. 2019. URL: (дата обращения: 17.04.2020).
Reintegration handbook. Practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance. International Organization for Migration. 2019, 304. URL: (дата обращения: 28.09.2020).
Zhuravskij, A. (2013). Put' domoj stanovitsja koroche [The way home is getting shorter]. Nezavisimyj informacionno-analiticheskij zhurnal [Independent information and analytical journal], 7 (16), 29-32.
Ivanova, R. V. (2017). Vozvratnaja migracija v Rossiju: eshhe odna jemigracija? [Return migration into Russia: one more emigration?] Vestnik SPbGU, no. 1, 141-161.
Kanylin, V. A. (2013). Aktual'nye problemy vozvratnoj migracionnoj politiki v Rossii [Actual problems of return migration policy in Russia]. Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija, no. 1, 148-155.
Kuznecova, A. R. (2019). Tendencii obrazovatel'noj migracii v Rossijskoj Federacii [Tendencies of education migration in the Russian Federation]. Siberian Socium, 3 (2), 52-65. doi: 10.21684/2587-8484-2019-3-2-52-65.
Pruel', N. A., Lipatova, L. N., Gradusova, V. N. (2020). Migracija v sovremennoj Rossii: masshtaby, osnovnye napravlenija i problem [Migration in contemporary Russia: scale, main direction and issues]. Regionologija, 1 (110), 133-158.
Rjazancev, S. V., Pis'mennaja, E. E., Hramova, M. N. (2015). Vozvratnaja migracija sootechestvennikov v Rossiju: sushhestvuet li migracionnyj potencial? [Return migration of compatriots to Russia: is there a migration potential?] Narodonaselenie, no. 2, 64-73.
UNCE (2011). Statistics on International Migration A Practical Guide for Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. URL: (Accessed 10 March 2020).
IOM (2019). Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration. URL: (accessed 10 March 2020).
IOM (2019). Glossary on Migration. URL: (accessed 17 April 2020).
IOM (2019). Reintegration handbook. Practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance. URL: (accessed 28 September 2020).