Late Paleolithic workshop for the preparation and splitting of the cores of the Podgorniy in the Middle Posurie region

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Z. K. Azizov Email:
A. V. Viskalin Email:
E. E. Viskalina Email:
R. G. Fedotov Email:


The purpose of the work is to introduce into scientific circulation the materials of the only middle-aged Late Paleolithic workshop on the preparation and splitting of cores under the Podgorniy. It contains data on the history of the monument's discovery, its location, landscape, geology, and stratigraphy. On the basis of the analysis of the flint material, it is concluded that the monument belongs to the category of workshops that arise at the place of extraction of raw materials.

According to geological data, the flint cores could be mined in a deep ravine that cuts through the upper Cretaceous deposits. The workshop is on the edge of this ravine. The extracted cores underwent a full cycle of primary processing from rough forming and foundation obtaining to their subsequent splitting. Planigraphically, the zones of primary lining of the cores and subsequent splitting of the foundation are separated. The resulting high-quality pieces were carried away by people.

The stones underwent a full cycle of primary processing from the formation of the core to their subsequent splitting. In technical and typological terms, the flint of the Podgorny workshop getting close to the materials of the monuments of the late Paleolithic of the Middle Volga region and the second stage of the Ural Paleolithic culture. Using stratigraphy data and cultural analogy, the monument is dated to the time frame of 15-13 thousand years ago.


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How to Cite
Azizov , Z. K., Viskalin , A. V., Viskalina, E. E., & Fedotov, R. G. (2023). Late Paleolithic workshop for the preparation and splitting of the cores of the Podgorniy in the Middle Posurie region. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(2), 07-23.
Author Biographies

Z. K. Azizov , Ulyanovsk stated polytechnic university

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk Polytechnic University, Ulyanovsk (Russia)

A. V. Viskalin , Center of Archaeological Research "Simbirsk Antiquity" LLC

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Center for Archaeological Research "Simbirsk Antiquity" LLC, Ulyanovsk (Russia)

E. E. Viskalina, Center of Archaeological Research "Simbirsk Antiquity" LLC

employee of the Center for Archaeological Research "Simbirsk Antiquity" LLC, Ulyanovsk (Russia)

R. G. Fedotov, Inzenskaya School No. I

Deputy Director of the School for Research, Inzen Secondary School No. 1, Inza (Russia)


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