Modern religious processes in the region: the experience of studying the religious situation in the Volgograd region

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O. I. Sgibneva Email:
E. O. Belikova Email:


The paper studies basic components of the religious situation in Volgograd region, including tolerance of the local population towards religious organizations, factors influencing the functioning of the existing religious organizations in the Volgograd region, level and degree of religiosity and degree of trust in religious institutions of the population of the region.

The paper includes the collected data of public and expert opinion on the religious situation and the effectiveness of the policy of the authorities and government in the field of interaction with religious organizations, the degree of respondents' satisfaction with interreligious relations, and the existence of tensions in the region. According to expert survey data, the current state of religious processes has been estimated, and the forecast of the dynamics of the religious situation in the region under study has been given. The study showed that the religious situation in the Volgograd region is relatively stable and has no tendency to worsen, but the existing local problems require further study and resolution within the framework of legal norms.


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How to Cite
Sgibneva, O. I., & Belikova, E. O. (2023). Modern religious processes in the region: the experience of studying the religious situation in the Volgograd region. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(2), 167-180.
Author Biographies

O. I. Sgibneva, Volgograd State University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of Department of Sociology and Political Science, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (Russia)

E. O. Belikova, Volgograd State University

Candidate of Sciences (Sociology.), Associate Professor of Department of Sociology and Political Science, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (Russia)


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