Emergence and development of heating systems on the territory of Uzbekistan

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S. Sh. Kubaev Email: kubaev.surat@gmail.com


Today, in the modern world, when the energy problem is exacerbated in many countries, efficient use of thermal energy in homes is becoming one of the pressing issues. As archaeological research shows, the problem did not arise today, and its solution made people pay attention to the construction of dwellings with deep observation since ancient times. This process is reflected in the layout of the dwellings, their doors, the air circulation system, and the formation of some details. This article focuses on the emergence of residential heating systems in the territories of modern Uzbekistan and their gradual development in the construction of dwellings since ancient times. In summarizing the data obtained, it can be said that most of the heating systems discovered during archaeological research in Uzbekistan have local roots and also some of them came as a result of trade relations and migrations. In particular, the centralized heating system of type is observed in all regions of Uzbekistan as one of the oldest heating systems. However, in ancient times, the Kofirkala and Khantepa also had a centralized heating system, created taking into account local traditions.


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How to Cite
Kubaev, S. S. (2023). Emergence and development of heating systems on the territory of Uzbekistan. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(4), 73-83. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2023)4-05
Author Biography

S. Sh. Kubaev, National Center of Archaeology Academy of Sciences

Ph. D., Senior Researcher, National Center of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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