Concepts of illness and death and selkup magic healing practices

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O. B. Stepanova Email:


The study aimed to explore the Selkup people's beliefs regarding illness, death, and magical healing practices, a topic that remains inadequately understood, underscoring its relevance and scientific importance. The research yielded several key findings. Traditional Selkup perspectives on illness and death can be categorized into three main types. In the first type, diseases were attributed to malevolent spirits, often taking the form of worms or animals, that infiltrated the human body. Some illnesses, like smallpox and epilepsy, were believed to be caused by anthropomorphic spirits. The second type of belief posited that illness arose from spirits stealing the soul of the afflicted individual. The third type of viewpoint on illness and death emerged from a comprehensive analysis of folklore sources. According to these beliefs, sickness and, particularly, death occurred when the integrity of the human corporeal soul was compromised. This soul was perceived to encompass each organ and body part, certain bodily functions, and external objects connected to the individual. Magical, primarily shamanic, interventions were thought to hold the power to cure illnesses and even revive the deceased.


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How to Cite
Stepanova, O. B. (2024). Concepts of illness and death and selkup magic healing practices. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 29(1), 80-90.
Author Biography

O. B. Stepanova, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Department of Siberia, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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