Traditions in industry of voylok population of South Kazakhstan in the XIX century

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E. E. Alzhanova Email:


Nations, wich live in the territory of South Kazakhstan from many ages, have rich national traditions and famous with artisanal industry. It has long lasted history of Sirdarya region on technical methods and decorational motives. Artisanal industry appeared and developed in nomadic period and played main role in producing houses, clothes and other needs.

The traditional culture of the Kazakh people always differed in originality, completeness of forms and beauty. Being bright formulated spiritual culture of the people, closely connected with features of nomadic cattle breeding economy, handicraft trade has almost not endured changes before the beginning of the 20th century. It is possible to note only fact that at the end of the 19th century synthetic dyes of wool which because of their low cost have partially forced out more valuable, strong, but hardly extracted vegetable paints began to get into the Southern Kazakhstan. Aniline dyes have made changes to traditional color scale, considerably having enriched it.


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How to Cite
Alzhanova , E. E. (1). Traditions in industry of voylok population of South Kazakhstan in the XIX century. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 12(3-4), 52-60. Retrieved from
Author Biography

E. E. Alzhanova , International Kazakh-Turkish University by name Khoja Ahmed Yassawi,Turkestan (Republic of Kazakhstan)

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