Change of parametersof physiological state in Veronica spicata spicata L. s.str. in the flowering period under the influence of coal and rock dust in the territory of the Karakan Range (Kemerovo Region)
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Veronica spicata L.s.l.
ecological monitoring

How to Cite

Grebennikova, A. Y., Kosachev, P. A., & Silanteva, M. M. (2017). Change of parametersof physiological state in Veronica spicata spicata L. s.str. in the flowering period under the influence of coal and rock dust in the territory of the Karakan Range (Kemerovo Region). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 3(4), 93-98.


The influence of technogenesis associated with the development of the coal mining industry is multifaceted. One of the factors affecting the natural coal mining in the open method is coal and rock dust. To assess the response of plants to this effect, information was used on the change in the concentration of pigments obtained for three field seasons (2015-2017 g) obtained by spectrophotometry. The article gives information on the change in the content of chlorophylls in the leaves of one of Veronica spicata spicata L. s.str. veronica observation objects, which is a species with wide ecological amplitude. It is shown that the variability of the chlorophyll a and b concentrations in Veronica spicata serves as a reliable indicator in determining the degree of negative impact of coal and rock dust on plants.
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