Species diversity of tree plantations in industrial enterprise protective zones (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine)
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sanitary protection zones; green plantations; similarity of dendroflora; variety; species richness; domination

How to Cite

Sklyarenko, A., & Bessonova, V. (2019). Species diversity of tree plantations in industrial enterprise protective zones (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine) . Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(1), 167-174. https://doi.org/10.14258/abs.v5.i1.5495


Some 49 species of woody plants were identified among the tree plantations in sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises in Zaporizhzhya (southeastern Ukraine); 10 species of tree plants are present in all the sanitary protection zones. The number of plant species in protective plantings varies considerably from 11 ("Zaporizhskloflus") to 30 species ("Zaporizhstal"). The similarity of the species composition in plantations was assessed using the Jaccard and Sørensen indices. We calculated the species richness by Margaleff and Shannon indices, the dominance indices were calculated according to Simpson and Berger-Parker. The vast majority of forest belts in the sanitary protection zones of Zaporizhzhya industrial enterprises require the species enrichment, taking into account the tolerance of species to various pollutants. 

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