Biological features of the formation of Festuca rubra L. (Poaceae) seed productivity on the southeast of Kazakhstan


Festuca rubra
turf grasses
rate of semination
seed productivity
seed harvest
correlation relationship
southeast of Kazakhstan

How to Cite

Khussainova, I. V., & Zueva, G. A. (2022). Biological features of the formation of Festuca rubra L. (Poaceae) seed productivity on the southeast of Kazakhstan. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 8, 595–610.


The article presents the results of seven sorts of Festuca rubra L. seed productivity of lawn significance, representing three subspecies and two local wild-growing forms. The onset of the main phenological phases in the first two years of plant life was analyzed, taking into account the weather conditions of the experience setting area, and a comparison between samples representing three subspecies was made. The correlation between the four signs of the reproductive sphere has been studied. The best indicators of seed productivity with high semination rate were noted in the varieties Phrida and Aida from the subspecies commutata and s. Echo from subspecies rubra. The significant relationship between the number and weight of seeds per panicle was revealed for all varieties. A strong variation of the relationship strength between potential and real seed productivity was noted. It has been established that mature fruiting plants of the first and second year are best able to realize their seed potential. Starting from the third year of seed production, the intensity of generative shoots formation in individual development and the yield of seeds from the registration area in row sowing sharply decreases.


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