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physical development
anthropometric indices
nutritional status.

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The evaluation of the physical development of children, attending pre-school educational institutions in Barnaul, was conducted. The purpose of our study is a complex evaluation of the physical development level and balance among the children – Barnaul residents in the first childhood period. We present the results of a short longitudinal study of 73 children – Barnaul residents within the age range of 4 – 6. There was preschoolers’ somatometry (the length and the weight of the body, chest circumference) conducted; using the body mass indices and Vervek – Vorontsov sthenias, the evaluation of the physical development level and balance according to the regional standards was given. Boys' growth rates equal to 6.5 cm a year, girls’ growth rates equal to 7 cm a year. The tempos of the body weight growth equal to about 2 kg a year. There were little more preschoolers with the average physical development among the girls (66 percent) than among the boys (60 percent). The proportion of children with the above the average physical development (10 percent - boys, 5 percent - girls) and high physical development (17 percent - boys, 5 percent - girls) was higher among the boys. The analysis of the children distribution according to the somatotypes of the overall variation level being conducted, it was pointed out that most of the children have a mesosome somatotype, while girls possess it more often (66 percent) than boys (52 percent). The second one according to the distribution among the preschoolers examined was a microsomatotype, and it was determined more often among the boys (41 percent) than among the girls (29 percent). The main body build type among the examined children was mesomorphy, observed more often among the boys (boys – 83 percent, girls – 66 percent). Dolichomorphia is registered more often among the girls (34 percent) than among the boys (17 percent). The individuals with the deceleration of the craniocaudal growth gradient prevail in the boys group, 20 percent of the boys have accelerated tempos and only one third have normal tempos of the craniocaudal growth gradient. The individuals with decelerated and accelerated tempos of the craniocaudal growth gradient are rarer among the girls. The tempos of the body length gain alongside with more frequent dolichomorphia, high values of the leg length/upper face index speak for the quicker biological development of girls. The physical development evaluation performed with the help of body weight index showed that the body weight corresponds to the body length among most preschoolers of both genders (boys – 87 percent, girls – 80 percent). Among the disharmonious variants of the physical development of the both groups preschoolers, disharmony attributed to overweight prevailed, the girls having it more often (15 percent) than the boys (6 percent). Development disharmony was observed among 17percent of the preschoolers.
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