Invertebrates of Siberia, a potential source of animal protein for innovative food production. 1. The keelback slugs (Gastropoda: Limacidae)
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Tshernyshev, S. E., Babkina, I. B., Modyaeva, V. P., Morozova, M. D., Subbotina, E. Y., Shcherbakov, M. V., & Simakova, A. V. (2022). Invertebrates of Siberia, a potential source of animal protein for innovative food production. 1. The keelback slugs (Gastropoda: Limacidae). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 8, 749–762.


The use of terrestrial invertebrates occurring in Siberia as a source of nutrients is an innovative form of new quality food production in North Asia. The species available for this production should be qualified by necessary criteria; for example, they should be common in the region and easily obtainable, free from restriction or prohibition as rare or protected species, adapted to regional environmental conditions, and their bodies should be free from toxins and allergens. They should also be unpretentious in terms of housing, consumption of cheap and suitable feed which provides a satisfactory increase in biomass and contains necessary nutrients in the required ratio. Several local species of terrestrial molluscs and insects fit these criteria and have been were selected as model species, such as the yellow slug Limacus flavus (Linnaeus, 1758) which has been studied in detail. Individuals of this slug were collected from a subterranean vegetable store in the city of Novosibirsk, and reared for 5 months under laboratory conditions with different lighting, humidity and temperature. Standard vegetables for winter storage, carrot, cabbage and potato (the preferred ingredient), were provided to the slugs. The most effective factors for the development of body weight and size of the slugs were registered in the dark under moderate humidity and temperature. Average weight and length of slugs at the beginning of the experiment in March 2022 were 0.62 gram and 3.42 mm, and at the end of the experiment in August 2022 were 3.67 gram and 5.76 mm (respectively x 5.9 and x 1.7). Therefore, basement and underground cold premises lacking constant lighting and provided with potato waste as a feeding substrate appear to be optimal for raising and rearing this slug species; naturally this would be of particular interest for food production in regions with cold climate conditions.
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