Features of the development of Galega orientalis Lam. in the conditions of the middle taiga of Western Siberia
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Moiseeva, E. A., Shepeleva, L. F., & Bordey, R. K. (2024). Features of the development of Galega orientalis Lam. in the conditions of the middle taiga of Western Siberia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 601–610. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12198537


This paper presents the results of an introductory assessment of the Galega orientalis Lam. culture (Eastern Galega) to introduce it as a food crop in extreme Northern environmental conditions. To reach the study aim, we conducted a small plot experiment based on the methodology of B. A. Dospekhov with randomized repetitions. We sowed the eastern Galega uninoculated seeds (the control experiment) in sandy podzolic soil; the seeds inoculated with microbiological fertilizer; binary sowing with legumes (pea). We observed the experiment and accounted for the research parameters in agreement with the standard research methods. The results of this study demonstrate ontogenetic and seasonal development characteristics of the species under review growing in the vicinity of Surgut, its biologic productivity, and the advantages of its use as a feeding crop. We analyzed the efficiency of the inoculation of the seeds with microbiological fertilizer Baikal-EM1 and binary sowing. These measures aimed to enhance the productivity and adaptive properties in the eastern Galega grown in the middle boreal subzone of Western Siberia. This research proves the introduction of the eastern Galega into the regional forage production to be of high potential. The introductory assessment of the eastern Galega in environmental conditions of the middle boreal forest of Western Siberia was carried out for the first time. We validate the use of the Baikal EM1 fertilizer for presowing seeds preparation. The identified species-specific characteristics in growth, productivity, chemical composition, and nutritional value are equal to those of the same culture grown in more favorable conditions. Therefore, Galega orientalis can be recommended as a promising feeding crop for the region in question.

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