New data on the distribution of digger wasps of the genus Ammophila W. Kirby, 1798 (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)
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Ключевые слова

Hymenoptera; Sphecidae; Ammophila; circumpolar regions; Western Siberia

Как цитировать

Baghirov, R. T.- o, & Nesterovich, A. A. (2019). New data on the distribution of digger wasps of the genus Ammophila W. Kirby, 1798 (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(1), 44-46.


An annotated list is given and the distribution of five species of digger wasps genus Ammophila, collected in the circumpolar regions of Western Siberia (in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District) in 2017, is specified.
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Antropov, A.V., Astafurova, Yu.V., Belokobylskij, S.A., Byvaltsev, A.M., Danilov, Yu.N., Dubovikoff, D.A., Fadeev, K.I., Fateryga, A.V., Kurzenko, N.V., Lelej, A.S., Levchenko, T.V., Loktionov, V.M., Mokrousov, M.V., Nemkov P.G., Proschalykin M.Yu., Rosa, P., Sidorov, D.A., Sunducov, Yu.N., Yusupov, Z.M., & Zaytsev, L.A. (2017). Annotated catalogue of Hymenoptera of Russia. Volume 1. Symphyta and Apocrita: Aculeata. Proceedings of the Zoological institute RAS, 6. (Suppl.).

Danilov, Yu.N. (2014). Review of Sphecidae wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of Siberia. Part 2. Keys to genera and species. Euroasian entomological journal, 13(6), 511–521. (in Russian)

Pulawski, W.J. (2018) Catalog of Sphecidae. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Retrieved October 11, 2018, from
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